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IMPROVE PATIENT strategic management


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Hospital patient protection

Impossible to stable the patients in any hospital without a great 9 mysterious golden ratio mathematics.

  • Doctgalaxy HED chamber
  • The collection of everything inside the hospital will be thoroughly confidential 2 detectors male and female, which will be known only to the hospital owner, monitoring all the environment inside which will have a doctgalaxy HED office.

  • Blue child creation
  • Many wonderful behavior of children, which is perfect for extraction, whose use people forget in youth, which is active in keeping humans hearts's tied.

  • Wolf Messing Synoquin
  • Many times negative thoughts sit in the mind of the patient in such a way that his whole thinking becomes negative, his thinking shows him only despair and despair, he decides that now I only have to die. There is no cure for the disease, because of this, his vital force also gets weakened, after controlling this negativity, there are many wonderful ways to increase the will power of the patient's mind. It is better for his health and life.

  • Hypothesis mesmerize
  • Carrying the shoes and slippers worn inside the hospital and house means that the entry of negative energy is certain in the hospital and the inner part of the house, so what is the bad thing if shoes and slippers are kept outside the hospital and home? There were many cases related to negative energy in the world which have challenged science but science does not recognize negative energy. Hospital environment can be energized powerfully through music, sound, light, aroma, magnet, perfume.

    With this, a positive environment can be provided with confidence of the patient, family members, hospital staff, patient's guardian, if all the efforts are facing failure again and again or something is wrong with you one after the other. It is happening and you feel as if a flurry of unfortunate events has happened, then understand that negative energy has entered your home hospital. Due to negative energy, you have to face many side effects at times. Therefore, it can be identified and removed in time, which is its rule and rule, unlike religious rituals, which are based on many great mathematics, the physical effect of negative energy establishes its existence inside the boundary wall which affects the body.

  • रोग ग्रस्त का अर्थ है वह मनुष्य जो रोगी है परिवार घर के भीतर क्षण-भंगुर स्थिति चल रहा है समय बुरा है उसके साथ स्थिति समय उलट है प्रकृति भी मुँह फेर रही है हॉस्पिटल के आंतरिक नकारात्मक तावातावरण का पता लगाना मन मस्तिक के कई बुरे विचारों की लाइने में गलत विचारों की उत्पति जो दिमाग न्यूरॉन में क्षण-भंगुर तरीके से ऊर्जावान हो तो हॉस्पिटल के हित में परफेक्ट बेहतर सदेंश के साथ विश्वाश के अंदर जीवन रक्षक की छवि बनता हो विश्वाश की कई बड़ी लाइनों की उत्पति जो अन्य सभी बुरी छोटी लाइनों को मिटा कर नकारात्मकता को सकारात्मक रूप से परिवर्तित किया जाना।

  • The basis of every life is 108, the use of many 108, 54, 27 to balance the visible and invisible, this is a science which is a verified truth, without it it is impossible for the living and non-living to survive.

  • Sensory Information
  • Sensory information is the things that the brain collects from your senses that give you information about the world around you. Taste, sight, smell, hearing and touch are the five basic senses. The patient can be cured to a great extent by sensory information, this information potentiates the vitality of the body. In such a situation, the bed on which the patient will be, will not want to leave that bed, that room will feel that bed as the basis of its power.

  • Focus patients entry
  • After the sick patients are cured, by presenting videos through their feedback, making them aware in the city-village countryside, presenting the better performance of the hospital in front of the people, getting patients admitted in the hospital etc.

About Us

AMAZO REG. UDYAM-JH-19-0003076 INDIA GOVERNMENT CERTIFICATION NIC CODE 86903, 8690 Activites of human health and social work activities structure all the activities are grouped into several and other human health activites and social work activities. This section includes the provision of health and social work activities. Activities include a wide range of activities, starting from health care provided.

डाक्टगैल्क्सी किसी भी मरीज को इलाज के बाद ठीक हो जाने की गारंटी और आश्वासन नहीं देती है। जो फी वह डॉक्टर के अधिकार के अंतर्गत है। डाक्टगैल्क्सी के द्वारा मरीज और डाक्टर के बीच सम्पर्क की मध्यस्थता करती है। सामाजिक कार्य के तहत निःशुल्क कंसल्टेंसी सेवा प्रदान करती है।


Patients feedback after treatment


Patients feedback after treatment

Effective Cardio Exercises


Digestion in Human Beings

September 20, 2020

Hospital Environment Detector (HED)

गार्जियन कई करणों से अपने मरीज को हॉस्पिटल से डिस्चार्ज करा ले जाते हैं।असंतुष्टि हॉस्पिटल केआंतरिक वातावरण से ही उत्त्पन होती है।
Guardians get their patients discharged from the hospital due to various reasons. Dissatisfaction creates from the inner environment of the hospital itself.

हॉस्पिटल में स्टाफ की कई नासमझी और गलतियों के करण, मरीज की आर्थिक वस्तु स्थिति का कोई ज्ञान नहीं के करण, इलाज यहाँ ठीक नहीं होता है। मरीज को एम्बुलेंस में ले जाते वक़्त यह डिस्कशन, मरीज की स्थिति में सुधार नहीं है, किसी दूसरे हॉस्पिटल के लिए मुफ्त में राय यह देते यह कि फलाना हॉस्पिटल तो इससे भी चीप एंड बेस्ट है। मरीज की असंतुष्टि के कारण घर जाने के लिए जिद्द, डर यह की हॉस्पिटल बहुत महंगा है। ऐसे कई कारण से मरीज के पेरेंट हॉस्पिटल से डिस्चार्ज छुट्टी करा लेते हैं।
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